Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Parental Pleasing

If you wait long enough...*cough* twentysomethingyears *cough*'ll figure out what it takes to make your family proud. Usually it takes a family death of sorts. Let me tell you a awesome story...of a creation. A name creation like no other.

Let's start by painting the picture. It's warm. I think. The air is filled with stale booze filled tears of death as 4 of the family of 5 discuss what an appropriate pseudonym would be for a wildly obnoxious and inappropriate twentysomething broad.

That day, I'm not sure if it was due to the excessive floral smell or the leftover stank of the sweet sticky, but something magical happened. The father proved that nurture is just as strong as nature as he and the aforementioned broad discovered the perfect pseudonym for such a vivacious, skank of a girl.

They laughed away the tears (which I sobbed out again minutes later) as it came to them.

Vajeena (pronounced vajeena) Velvet. And a garnet was born.

P.S. What an ugly colored birthstone. Who's dumbass does that idea belong to?

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