Thursday, November 10, 2011

I will always love you...

One thing I'd rather you didn't know about me is that I'm a major sap. Well, and a wicked nerd. Here's a small example. I fell in love with Harry Potter when Prisoner of Azkaban came out. The book, not the movie, lazies. When the first movie came out I was 16 (don't judge me). Of course from that movie through the first part of Deathly Hallows, I saw them immediately after opening. Mostly with my siblings as the younger decoys.

Now here we are. Tomorrow the final movie is released on DVD. It's the only one I didn't see in the theater. I couldn't. It makes me sad. So I'm thinking that's going to be how I justify taking tomorrow off. I need to mourn the end of an era and go buy the movie that's going to make me cry like a 4 year old brat who just had her lollipop taken from her. Only more sadness and less brat.

A little side note, I have tried to kill myself and others using Avada Kedavra. It took me longer than I'd care to admit that it doesn't work and you just end up looking a fool. That's my Public Service Announcement on this Thursday.

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