Thursday, November 3, 2011

All Hallows...The Craft.

My life is a sitcom. I'm not even exaggerating. My 66 year old admin sits in my office every morning waiting for the scoop. Sometimes, it's as exciting as me taking my dog for a walk to the swamp and back. Others, it's like everything's coming at me at once. And right now...holy shit am I not complaining. Now. That really wasn't the point. The point, now that Halloween has come and gone yet again, is that Halloween SUCKS now!!

When I was little, we'd pack 20 kids in a few cars and go all around town. We'd come home with 2 pillow cases FILLED. There were kids out trick-or-treating everywhere you looked. No one turned their lights out then. And whenever we went to the movies, we'd stuff our pockets full of Halloween candy which would be enough to last us to the following Halloween. Over 100 trick-or-treaters would knock on our door.

NOW...I don't see kids out anywhere. There's so much concern and fear for safety that no one wants to take their kids out in their pirate costumes and princess dresses. It's sad. It was my favorite holiday. I didn't get a single trick-or-treater this year, but I do live in an apartment with a security system at the front door.

So my Halloween wish is this...let's get RID of the costumes made purposely for the purpose of sluttyness (which I mean, I can't lie, I do enjoy looking) and get rid of all the creeps that want to kill kids and bring Halloween back! Or ya know, go take a nap.

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