Thursday, November 10, 2011

Where are all the men at?

I'm sitting under the drier getting my hair pretty by my favorite closeted gay and the conversation we just had both reaffirm and disappoint me. I'm tired of all these boys who are all talk and no action. I'm tired of the liars, the cheaters, the elephant beaters.

Men seem to have this outlook where women need to earn chivalry. Well, idiot, maybe if you would man up and open a door or buy some flowers every once in a while you'd probably complain a whole lot less about all girls being bitches.

My standards are not too high, sorry. And the standards I set are based mostly on personality. I give all I have when I care so I want that back. If I want to see someone, I'll see them. Nothing's going to stop me. It takes so little effort, yet finding someone who'll actually put it into action is seemingly impossible as I have yet to find anyone who is much more than a mouth filled with bullshit. Which I happen to be allergic to.

And...done. Stoner rant.

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