Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Say huh?

Sometimes my mind moves so fast I think I somehow repeatedly revert back a few minutes in time just so I can pile in some more. Too much in my head this week. If I push the thoughts out, then I'm just doing exactly what I don't want to do. Right? Exactly.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I totally

And completely forgot about this here blog. I promise for something truly amusing for me tomorrow. Smooches!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Where are all the men at?

I'm sitting under the drier getting my hair pretty by my favorite closeted gay and the conversation we just had both reaffirm and disappoint me. I'm tired of all these boys who are all talk and no action. I'm tired of the liars, the cheaters, the elephant beaters.

Men seem to have this outlook where women need to earn chivalry. Well, idiot, maybe if you would man up and open a door or buy some flowers every once in a while you'd probably complain a whole lot less about all girls being bitches.

My standards are not too high, sorry. And the standards I set are based mostly on personality. I give all I have when I care so I want that back. If I want to see someone, I'll see them. Nothing's going to stop me. It takes so little effort, yet finding someone who'll actually put it into action is seemingly impossible as I have yet to find anyone who is much more than a mouth filled with bullshit. Which I happen to be allergic to.

And...done. Stoner rant.

I will always love you...

One thing I'd rather you didn't know about me is that I'm a major sap. Well, and a wicked nerd. Here's a small example. I fell in love with Harry Potter when Prisoner of Azkaban came out. The book, not the movie, lazies. When the first movie came out I was 16 (don't judge me). Of course from that movie through the first part of Deathly Hallows, I saw them immediately after opening. Mostly with my siblings as the younger decoys.

Now here we are. Tomorrow the final movie is released on DVD. It's the only one I didn't see in the theater. I couldn't. It makes me sad. So I'm thinking that's going to be how I justify taking tomorrow off. I need to mourn the end of an era and go buy the movie that's going to make me cry like a 4 year old brat who just had her lollipop taken from her. Only more sadness and less brat.

A little side note, I have tried to kill myself and others using Avada Kedavra. It took me longer than I'd care to admit that it doesn't work and you just end up looking a fool. That's my Public Service Announcement on this Thursday.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blackbirds singing in the dead of night..

I can't believe how many of you people are actually reading this shit. My guess is one or all of the following:

A. You want to fuck me.
B. You have fucked me.
C. Like me, you get inspirationally bored at your desk job.
D. You thought this was actually a porn site.

Anyways, if you're hot...How YOU doin'? ;-)
If, you aren't...I'm sure you have a, um, lovely personality. Sort of. There there.

All Hallows...The Craft.

My life is a sitcom. I'm not even exaggerating. My 66 year old admin sits in my office every morning waiting for the scoop. Sometimes, it's as exciting as me taking my dog for a walk to the swamp and back. Others, it's like everything's coming at me at once. And right now...holy shit am I not complaining. Now. That really wasn't the point. The point, now that Halloween has come and gone yet again, is that Halloween SUCKS now!!

When I was little, we'd pack 20 kids in a few cars and go all around town. We'd come home with 2 pillow cases FILLED. There were kids out trick-or-treating everywhere you looked. No one turned their lights out then. And whenever we went to the movies, we'd stuff our pockets full of Halloween candy which would be enough to last us to the following Halloween. Over 100 trick-or-treaters would knock on our door.

NOW...I don't see kids out anywhere. There's so much concern and fear for safety that no one wants to take their kids out in their pirate costumes and princess dresses. It's sad. It was my favorite holiday. I didn't get a single trick-or-treater this year, but I do live in an apartment with a security system at the front door.

So my Halloween wish is this...let's get RID of the costumes made purposely for the purpose of sluttyness (which I mean, I can't lie, I do enjoy looking) and get rid of all the creeps that want to kill kids and bring Halloween back! Or ya know, go take a nap.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Vent needed.

There are very few things that make me downright angry. This bullshit with Kim Kardashian has me ready to throw up all over her family. 72 days and time to file a divorce. If this became an abusive or volatile relationship that needed to be ended for safety, I would be remorseful for her. Or if it were a cheating scandal. However, it seems they just weren't getting along. It isn't that I don't believe in divorce. For some people, it's absolutely the only option. I probably wouldn't be alive right now and I certainly wouldn't be the same person if my parents hadn't gotten a divorce. Many customs and such have come and gone over the years, some of which need to go still because they're so outdated.

Marriage is different. People fight so hard against gay marriage because they believe it will destroy the sanctity of marriage. But really, when we look at all the people in the public eye who divorce for the next piece of sweet ass, do people really think that's not destroying the sanctity? I'm not one to judge by any means, I am no better than the next person. But marriage is more than just a piece of paper. It's a lifelong companionship. Everyone has their ups and downs, it's how you cope and deal with them that defines you. Or maybe I'm the crazy one here.

All this being said, I'd probably divorce the whiny bitch by day 72 as well.