Monday, October 31, 2011

Vent needed.

There are very few things that make me downright angry. This bullshit with Kim Kardashian has me ready to throw up all over her family. 72 days and time to file a divorce. If this became an abusive or volatile relationship that needed to be ended for safety, I would be remorseful for her. Or if it were a cheating scandal. However, it seems they just weren't getting along. It isn't that I don't believe in divorce. For some people, it's absolutely the only option. I probably wouldn't be alive right now and I certainly wouldn't be the same person if my parents hadn't gotten a divorce. Many customs and such have come and gone over the years, some of which need to go still because they're so outdated.

Marriage is different. People fight so hard against gay marriage because they believe it will destroy the sanctity of marriage. But really, when we look at all the people in the public eye who divorce for the next piece of sweet ass, do people really think that's not destroying the sanctity? I'm not one to judge by any means, I am no better than the next person. But marriage is more than just a piece of paper. It's a lifelong companionship. Everyone has their ups and downs, it's how you cope and deal with them that defines you. Or maybe I'm the crazy one here.

All this being said, I'd probably divorce the whiny bitch by day 72 as well.

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