Thursday, October 6, 2011

Too good not to.

Picture're walking out to your car from the grocery store with a carriage full of stolen food (...just because) and the midgets you hired to work as a distraction in the little people heist of the century and notice a Buick. A very mobile Buick, despite its being in park. That's when you glance in the window and your life is changed forever. Why you ask? Because in the middle of the afternoon during your normal grocery store dealings, there's 2 people having intercourse in the beauty that is a Buick Regal.

I forgot the scarring part. That stud is a ripe old age of 54, while our beauty on the right, who looks like it wasn't her first Buick "ride" that day, is just 71.

To furthur illustrate the brilliance of this man, his response to the cops when asked what he was doing was beautiful and poetic. "I'm fucking this chick."

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