Thursday, October 6, 2011

Welcome to My Life

I'd like to give you (well mostly myself since I'm the only one who reads this) an inside look into my life. Today, for example, I decided to go home for lunch and be all productive and shit and do some reading for one of my classes (exotic dancing).
Upon my departure following a quick split down on a dildo, the moment I shut the door, I came to a realization. My keys are on the other side of said door. My keys also run my car. Fortunately, I live about half a mile from work which is good because after giving the ole credit card trick a go for a half hour I needed to walk.
So now we've come to realize that the only spare set of keys is about say, 30 minutes away at my parents' home. My solution? Borrowing a company van to drive to get my spare set.
Why is this solution so entertaining?
Me driving the company van. Picture Smurfette driving down your street in a supped up low rider with "BITCH, PLEASE" sprayed on the side and Baby Got Back bumpin' on her system.
I lost my train of thought, but that's just how it goes..

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