Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I hope you dance, Batman

Dearest Eric Matthews,

You should probably know that I'm madly in love with you. When I was just a wee lass, I used to believe it was the sexually arrousing Shawn Hunter I was meant to be with, but I was so silly. And oh, so very wrong. It is you who forever holds my heart.

You first captured my heart when you began flipping your hair repeatedly in a mind blowing manner as a high school student. Then, as you progressed and matured into a more meaningful Feeny Call and began to openly share your love for boobies and tushies, I just couldn't stop myself for falling into your trap of love.

Whether it's your genius Good Looking Guy idea, your sexy commentary in a Time Continuum Vortex, or your most attractive self later in life going by the name Plays with Squirrels, I just can't contain my intense feelings for you.

I love you, Plays with.


P.S. I often imagine you creating a call even better than the Feeny call for me...your soul mate.

P.P.S. I would also like to do you dirty as Shante Dubois. You dirty little French girl. ;-)

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